Simplify bar inventory

Take control of your business with Backbar. Manage inventory, sales, and costs in one place.

Get started - it's free forever
Person holding bottle in front of bar

Built for every bar and restaurant

An overview of Backbar, showing inventory, mobile slider inventory, and the sales dashboard.

A user-friendly solution

Backbar’s mobile app speeds up inventory with a simple design that doesn’t overwhelm and allows you to count items quickly.

Point-of-sale integration

Sync your POS with Backbar for real-time inventory updates, sales tracking, and combating inventory variance.

Flexibility streamlines inventory

Take inventory in a way that makes sense to you. Scan UPC codes, create custom lists, and or use our last count sort to organize inventory in one-click.

Scan an item's barcode and it automatically gets added to your inventory to be counted.

See where you're losing profits

Combat variance and reduce cost-of-goods by combining point-of-sale data with inventory numbers and stop leaking money.

The Backbar variance report shows you the difference between usage and sales for each item.

Take the next step to simplify bar inventory

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